
Friday, May 5, 2017

Who does a quiz on Cinco de Mayo?

I'm just saying.... maybe if there was some adult refreshments we could have concentrated better.

Do you know what Cinco de Mayo really means?

Some think it is Mexico's Independence day, but it is not, it is actually anniversary of the battle of Puebla that took place on May 5, 1862 near the city of Puebla, which ended in a victory for Mexico over the French soldiers.


Tuesday, May 2, 2017

So much to do and so little time!!

I wish there were more hours in a day!! I have two major essays, one lesson, two major assignments and a persuasive speech due over the course of next week not to mention, study for exams. Not trying to whine. I know most of us are on the same boat and I should probably be saying some encouraging, inspirational words of wisdom but I know you all got this.

Good luck to all on the semester end activities.

Monday, April 24, 2017

It is crunch time!!

It is crunch time!!!!The semester is winding down and its time to "Git-er-dun"

Friday, April 7, 2017


Excel is giving me headache..... especially the "IF" function. ugh!

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Computing Fundamentals Update

Team, I would like to share that I had the opportunity to re-take the first exam today and PASSED! Yes, I did it!!! It took a lot of studying but I was able to pass. For those of you who are working towards it, don't give up just study, study and don't wait to long to re-take it.
Good luck to you all!

Friday, March 17, 2017

Quiz 3 - What a difference

So I was really beginning to doubt myself but Quiz 3 really changed that, it was a 180-turn so that confirms to me that I 'am definitely a user of computers... although it the first lessons, and quizzes have really tough me a lot more than I use to know about how a computer operates. I will definitely stick to being a user and rely on all you experts when it comes to the operation of the hardware. Can't wait to see what else I learned.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

My Academic Goal

Associate of Applied Science (AAS) in Business Management

My long term goal is to obtain a Bachelors Degree in Business Management with a minor in Human Resources Management. As a short term goal I would like to reach a AAS degree that I can later transfer to Nevada State College or UNLV. Reason why I chose this major is because my field of expertise and experience is in the Human Resources Management field and a degree in business management provides one with all the fundamentals of managing a business overall it later gets into the specific of the function of HR. My target completion date for my AAS was the summer of 2018;  realistically... it probably may not happen since it can be challenging to manage a family, full time job that due to the scope of responsibilities requires I put in more than your typical 40 hrs a week and on top of that taking at least 3-4 classes a semester.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Making headway!

A couple of weeks into the semester and keeping my head above water. But I must admit, its getting easier and easier... ok only if I can finally finish Lesson 8 by the deadline....phew!! the longest lesson by far but very informative.

Friday, February 3, 2017

The real challenge begins!!

We made it through the first few classes and even completed our fist quiz but the challenge of meeting all our deadlines begins as we get further into our syllabus. Lessons completed and some almost done... commitment and discipline is was will get it done. I still haven't quite figured out my routine between juggling this, other classes, a full time Job and my family but it is coming together.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

1st day of class

1st day of class in IS101 was productive, with minor technical difficulties for me but after reaching out to Albert, I was back on track in no time. I love that this class will be interactive and hands-on for in my opinion is the best way to learn. The environment the professor and peers create is welcoming make it comfortable to ask any questions.

As many of us, I've been somewhat exposed to the applications we will be covering this semester and have self taught on the use but cant wait to fully explore the capability of each one of them.

Excited and to learn what is to come.